Monday, 8 December 2008

Weimaraner 0 : Nasty Shrub 1

ouchy ouchy ouchy... This morning the STAFF forced me to run through the woods (formerly, but not any more, known as best wood) in the pitch black dark. Again. I don't know what gave them the idea I would enjoy that!?
Anyways, I was just progressing at a comfortable trot (3rd gear and accelerating) when a shrub, with nasty sharp branches at chest height, appeared out of nowhere and attacked me! One minute, nice woody open space, next minute big spiky sticks scraping my chest. Now, you'll remember that my chest is no longer protected by a nice layer of fat, so the skin was scraped right off. Ouch!

I am convalescing at home now. I have made it very clear to the STAFF that it is all their fault. They are, therefore, and quite rightly, trying to make it up to me. Extra blankets and a big dinner. Here you can see the big wound on my chest. Incidentally, I am lying on a member of STAFF. It made me feel a lot better! 

I hope I'll be all better for my morning hunt. This time  I think I will take the long way around the obstacles. 


Kamikatze said...

Dear Otto,

what was this nasty shrub thinking to attack you? I hope you are feeling better by now. And of course, I'm hoping that you won't get any lasting scars to your marvellous, shiny chest. Sure looks aren't everything, but still!


Anonymous said...

Dear Gerlinde,

it is so nice to hear from you! I felt better almost instantly!

I haven't the foggiest idea what attacked me. Something sharp and nasty hiding in the dark.

All of us here still dream of the Walchensee. I think the STAFF might go back to Bavaria next summer. It was just so wonderful!

And how are you? And your little friends?

