We got there early, of course, but the sun was nice and warm. Not too warm. There was noone aound - just the STAFF and I and a whole big lake to play in. Perfect!

I couldn't wait to get into the water. In fact, I didn't wait, and went right in. The STAFF, as always, were reluctant to get their feet wet. But I shared some of the water I accumulated in my coat with them by shaking vigorously. I think THEY really appreciated that.
And then we played Shticks in the water. My favourite!

Now, just look at these little cute feathery balls of fluff.

There is nothing like the taste of slightly soggy wood straight from a lake. If you haven't tried it, well, frankly, you haven't lived!
Isn't it all a splendid sight?
It was such a great trip out! And even though I tried to run through a wire fence and got stopped very rudely and abruptly in my tracks, it was just perfect. In fact, the whole weekend was just great! I was in such a good mood that I gave the STAFF the evening off and sent them to the cinema. I can be generous to a fault when the mood takes me.
But now, I must sleep. All this activity has really tired me out. And I am not used to being in such a good mood, so that takes a bit of getting used to. I wonder whether it will last...?
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