Couldn't wite in a while. Was just too tired! The STAFF had family over from Germany and it was very tiring looking after them. Particularly as I had to share my sofa and my bachelor pad. If I had known, I would have vetoed the visit. Mind you, they did bring me nice things, I suppose. And they fussed me all the time. And the little one played sticks and rugby with me. All the time.
Actually, that was pretty much the biggest problem; the visitors were sooo energetic. Particularly the young one. It was just round the clock go-go-go. Non-stop action. Bam!Bam!Bam! I got no sleep at all. One some bad days I got no more than, say 12 hours. How can anyone survive a deprivation schedule like that?
I am not used to that kind of stuff. Between you and me, the STAFF are essentially lazy. And, I have to admit, I like them that way. But, when the vistors were here, we were all action, action, action. Sticks, sticks, sticks.

Watch me here, bringing it down in mid-flight and killing it outright. Cower mere wooden things!
Anyway, it was all very, very, very tiring. I had to sleep for a week after they were gone. And

when I woke up it was Easter. Great. I love Easter. People hide chocolate eggs for you. Well, they hide chocolate eggs. And if you find them, they are yours. I know the law. Once you have it in your chops, it's all yours. Anyway. It's Easter. And the STAFF are hanging around at home with me a lot. I tolerate that - if THEY behave well. So, we're sitting at home, THEY mention it's Easter, and I'm thinking to myself, "Let's go and find us a nice Easter squirrel. Nice and juicy, stuffed with crunchy nuts." And when we're done with that, let's get some choc eggs for dessert. Yummy, yummy, squirrel and chocolate in my tummy!
You can imagine my absolute horror and disappointment when I emerged from the car and found that it was snowing. And icy. And blowing a gale. For a horrible moment I thought that I had slept too long, all the way through the nice warm seasons and it was winter again! Aaaaahh. The STAFF assured me it
was Easter.

But I knew straight away that there would be no squirrels. No chocolate. No nothing. Just frozen water. Hurled at you at great speed. I may have a jacket. But I was still chilly. And no yummy chocolate squirrel in my tummy.

Brrr. I shake in disgust. And to keep warm!
I think for the rest of this so called Easter I'll try and stay indoors. And help the STAFF plan our big tour of Germany, Austria and Holland. If I don't pay attention, I might not get all the comforts on the trip which I should have.
And, I still want compensation for having missed out on any kind of Easter snack. And for all the calories I burned to entertain the guests.
I'll check out the legal situation. Maybe I should get professional advice.