Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear Gerlinde!
Happy Birthday to you!
Hip hip - hooray!
Gerlinde, sorry I cannot join you for a nice Hirnderl, Luengerl, Wuersterl feast, but I will be having a glass of champagne to toast you on your special day! Well, if the STAFF leave me any (you know what they are like about giving me good stuff...). I hope you have a super day and a super year!
Please send my regards to your lovely cats also. I am sure that you look after them very well. Not a luxury all of us have!
Bye and Cheers! With lots of love,
My dear loyal friend!
Thank you so much for your birthday greetings. It is funny, I don't know why, and it doesn't have anything to do with this, but I feel like I should get you many many Luengerl and Hirnderl next year.
I was especially moved, as the cats didn't even bother to mention. Although I think I heard Ruben von Zwack sneer, between yawns, "'birthday" from his bed on the radiator. That's what I believe anyway. It could also have been "phf, people" or something.
Is Oma with you over the holidays?
My flight up north goes tomorrow early in the morning.
A nice neighbor lady will be taking care of the cats. Much to my surprise she came by already today. I felt a little embarrassed that I still was in my pyjamas, but she didn't seem to take notice. Cordially greeting me "oh, you, still there?" she peered over my shoulder to get a glance at the cats. Merrily shouting "Tomorrow, when wifey's gone, we are gonna schmooooose!" she left again, adding "Oh, and you, have a nice journey."
Is Oma with you over the holidays?
Have a nice and relaxed Christmas time, and send love and regards to the STAFF and Oma!
Gerlinde (who still hasn't finished packing yet)
PS - will the STAFF be spraying puppy-pheromones all over the house again at New Year's Eve?
Gerlinde, dearest, I am so pleased that my humble birthday greetings reached you and brightened your day! Cats are just not very effusive animals - I am sure deep down inside they really *did* care about your birthday!
Oma is not staying with us over the holidays. I think she will be coming over for Easter. Maybe she will bring snacks then? Hach, I can't wait to see her.
I hope that you will have a very nice Christmas. Do you have turkey or goose? The STAFF have nut loaf, which I am not keen on.
PS: New Year's Eve is not my favourite. But I don't think it is quite as loud here as it is in Germany. I am sure that I will have pheromones to calm me down. And I might invite some friends over, for protection.
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