Sunday, 23 September 2007

About Cats and Fiddles

We only just got back from our activity holiday in the Lakes and I did encourage the STAFF to take it easy - you know, quick walk, lots of food, sleeping in front of the fire, more grub, etc. But no, the STAFF have become right pesky of late. So, they drive us all the way out to the Goyt Valley, and insist that we climb the Matterhorn. The Cheshire Matterhorn that is.

The weather was fine at first. And I cannot deny that I did sort of enjoy myself.

But then of course it started raining. And we were so high up that we were right in the rain cloud! I do like water. But not when it comes from above. I put my sports coat on to keep the worst of it off, but that did not do me much good.

I think you'll agree that I look much less happy now! On the upside, I did find the odd grouse. Not that I like them much, unless they are plucked and roasted.

The total highlight of the walk was the trip to the pub. There was a roaring fire and lost of people who wanted to give me snacks. I had a very good haul of pork scratchings and such and would not mind going back. Also no cats and fiddles, so that turned out OK.


Unknown said...

That second picture is brilliant...

Otto the Weimaraner said...

thank you. I do think the sports jacket is very fetching!