So, I'm back to waiting. No more running in the woods. No more running in the evening. No more running, full stop.
It all went downhill on Tuesday night when the STAFF exploited an evening cuddling session and felt my front leg, screeched something about a lump and dragged me to the v.e.t. the next day. The v.e.t. (v.ery- e.vil - t.raitor) said I could do NO exercise ever again (apparently on the calendar that date falls on Monday. Whatever.).

The STAFF seem worried. Not sure why. I am pretty sure it is just a torn muscle. I'm making use of the sunshine as I am waiting. Might as well.
You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails, as I always say. If there's to be no exercise, you have to maximise the enjoyment of life's calmer pleasures.
I am sure the STAFF could learn a lot from my calm attitude. Don't you agree?
We'll know more on Monday. I'm hoping that I get to go swimming in the pool to help with my recovery. Paws crossed, eh!