Where was I? Oh, yes, so, to get my paw good and strong and stop it from getting sprained again, the v.e.t. - cat from hell she is - suggested taking me on two super dull walks around the block a day. No more than 5 minutes, she hissed, for the next 109 years! Always on the lead! Well, I can tell you that gave me a lot of spare energy which I got rid off by charging up and down and up and down the stairs, skating on the wooden floors, charge-jumping the sofa... etc... you name it, I did it. It didn't take that long for the STAFF to get the message and that's when THEY got themselves running shoes and off we went. On the lead, but still. Not too shabby this new rehab programme for my paw. Not too shabby at all!
PS: On reflection, having spent most of the day sunbathing, and, er, snoozing in a dozing fashion for, er, a short while, I might have to admit that I am perhaps a leeeetle bit tired myself. And I don't mind resting my paws for a few more hours.
1 Conditional upon basic needs2 having been met.
2 Basics needs include, but are not limited to: a run in the woods, cuddles, food, something soft to lie on, a warm spot by direct heat source (sun or radiator), STAFF available upon request.