So, a big old thunderstorm was blowing over our house this evening. The first in a long time. I should've known. The weekend didn't start well, and this was certainly a low point. You might be able to spot me in the depth of the shelter the STAFF hastily erected around my sofa. Sometimes THEY are little dears.
Anyway. As I said, they are better now. Just as well, as nursing is not my strong suite and I find it pretty tiring. And dull. But! Because they are feeling all better and well and full of high jinx, we were all doing a bit of running through the woods. And noone warned me of the big pothole in the path! My backpaw went right into it. Landed on a stone, and OUCH! I could feel the sprain straight away. The STAFF still dragged me to the vets. On the plus side that means tasty medication. I'm having mine in Emmenthal, which has a delightfully nutty flavour. On the downside it means no trips out, for who knows how long. I am sooooo bored. And now the thunder and lightning. Pffff... I am going straight back to sleep and I hope when I wake up, it'll all look a bit brighter!